Remote Operations

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have dramatically impacted the global supply chain, making it challenging for businesses to conduct physical inspections and quality control measures. The restrictions on travel and mobility have resulted in production delays, shipment cancellations, and revenue losses for many companies. However, at TAS Inspections, we recognize the critical importance of maintaining product quality control and assurance, even during these uncertain times.

Our remote operations provide a practical and reliable solution for businesses to address these challenges, allowing you to stay connected with your supply chain partners and maintain the quality of your products throughout the production process. Our remote audit, remote sample validation, and remote inspection services are designed to ensure that your product quality is not compromised, even if you are unable to be physically present

Overcoming Challenges During the Pandemic

By leveraging our remote operations, you can overcome the limitations imposed by the pandemic and associated travel restrictions while saving time and reducing costs. Our team of experienced inspectors will work closely with you to customize our services according to your unique needs, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for your quality control needs. With TAS Inspections, you can be confident that your product quality is not being compromised, even during these challenging times.